Back Again...yet again!
Its time to blog again after a brief hiatus perpetuated by sloth and behavioral malignancy caused by being stuck in an inertial frame with respect to penning down my thoughts for public consumption.
To begin with, I have hit the second year of my Masters programme in Business Administration. Being half an MBA gives you jitters!!
Economics seems to be the new buzzword around! Well, the credit must go to Freakonomics for getting people to ask questions about things we thought were obvious, but were not. A couple of days ago, I finished reading The Undercover Economist by Tim Harford. (Very many thanks to Chaitra for gifting me that book). Its not as suited for a layman as Freakonomics, but is definitely insightful. During the period of my internship, I have read a lot more books. Shashi Deshpande's short stories were written in a very down to earth manner, but there are lots of references to the female perspectives on life which I guess, women will associate better with than me. Sudha Murty's book, The Old Man and His God, and her writing was a serious letdown!! I advise people to read that book, so that one day when they think of writing they can always benchmark their worst performance on her writing.
Chennai seems to having the most fickle of the weathers. The afternoons are so stifling, that its hard to breathe, the evenings are washed out by rain, the nights are breezy and chilled and the next morning, the sun is out in full force that makes you take a cold water shower!
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