Friday, June 02, 2006

Nothing much happening...

Of late nothing much has been happening around to write so I just thought I shall indulge in some arbit ramblings.

I have watched quite a few movies ever since my internship began. Most of them have been good - comedies like The Rat Race, The Pink Panther and A Night at the Roxbury; and a very cute romantic comedy - Love Actually. But the best of the lot has been The Shawshank Redemption. Now this is one movie that is so very captivating and meaningful, that you will feel at the end of it that there is a way out of every deep shit in life.

Amidst all these movies I have also managed to watch the one dayers between India and the West Indies, from start to finish, all but the first one. ( I am not the lucky mascot for the Indian team!!)

Andriy Shevchenko has moved to Chelsea. I do not know how successful he is going to be. Somehow my loyalties are going to be stressed. I am not a Chelsea fan, but I am Sheva's. Some time in the future my F1 loyalties are also going to undergo same fate when Kimi joins Ferrari. Talking about F1, Monaco race turned out to so much of an anti-climax. But I liked the way Kimi chilled off on the yatch instead of going to the paddock, after his car stalled.

But in the end, no team had more fun and frolic than the Red Bull after they got their got first ever podium finish through David Coulthard. Just look at them!!

I was also reminded recently of this funny, actually the most ignominous goof-up ever in the history of journalism. The photo below shows Harry Truman holding aloft Chicago Daily Tribune, which carried the wrong headline that Truman had lost the elections to Thomas Dewey, which he had actually won!!

Thomas Dewey incidentally was the first US presidential candidate born in the twentieth century.

I have also returned to playing FIFA 2005 on the computer. Its great fun really, much better than those shooting-killing type of games like the Counterstrike. The best part of the game are the awesome background soundtracks. They egg you on to play better and have fun!! I have begun to really like Spanish songs a lot now!!


Blogger Supreet Joshi said...

I see that you have just discovered ! Amazing photographs they have..
Sad abt both Sheva and Ballack going to Chelsea.. and abt Kimi - that news is not confirmed yet - but with Monaco being another disaster, it looks to be curtains for Kimi@McLaren.

2:48 AM  

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