Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Dat Whimsy Code !!!

For all those who wonder about the managed and the native code released by Microsoft through MSDN, will find this blog by Tom Archer, the Program Manager and the Content Strategist at Microsoft MSDN Online team, rather enlightening.

There is also this interesting snippet by Kate Gregory about the First OO example.

"Today at C++ Connections I have attended two Bjarne Stroustrup talks. And yes, I learned something from both talks and took plenty of notes. Bjarne used what he called Ye Olde Shape Example in a discussion of the brittle base class problem. He mentioned that this is an ancient and yet still useful example that he got from the Simula folks way back when. After the talk I asked if he knew when it dated to, since I use it as an example of polymorphism in the OO/UML course I teach at Trent. He thinks it's about 1971. I was disappointed that it wasn't older than me, and he offered "well, there's always the cars and vehicles, stop, go, turn kind of thing. That's from about 1967 or so." I burst out laughing since I use that example too! It doesn't quite make the "older than me" bar, but it's certainly got a history."

I love C++!!!

Credit: Thanks to Supreet for telling me that quote-unquote thing, never saw it on the editor.


Blogger Supreet Joshi said...

Nice one..
as an aside, did you know Bill Gates once was in a advertisement for Apple ?!

12:00 AM  

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