There are two very prolific snoopers on a very popular social network site (run by the same people as is this blog site) on the Internet. Their souls were lost along the Silk Route eons ago. This is supported by their personal nomenclature, namely, Cat-Hair and Kick-Hu. They seemingly possess extreme mental capabilties in tracking homo-sapiens in the virtual world. Intelligence reports point to the usage of a long drawls for verbs such as "laughing" and short bursts of adrenaline induced action in words such as "cook" (it sounds like "cuck").
Some wandering journeyman happened to pop into their conversation and heard the following:
Cat-Hair : Man, look at this girl, **h* *a*, she looks so much like a man! I guess thats because she has got her upper lip threaded and the distance between the nostrils and the upper lip is so un-feminine.
Kick-Hu : Previous recce missions on the same personality revealed the girl's (??) propensity to indulge in hyper-threading experiences!
( The names are getting unwieldy for regular use now. So, Cat-Hair shall be called C1 and Kick-Hu, C2, from here on)
C1: The snap was taken on a nature trail. May be thats the reason for such repulsive make-up.
C2: Quite possible. Civilized world never gave her a second look.
C1: This lady has gone nuts. She has even got her mom into O**u*.
C2: Not just that, mummy and the daughter have testified publicly for each other.
C1: Which caste does this chap A****h belong to?
C2: How does it matter? I know you saw the family function snap.
C1: How can this fellow already have a cabin for himself at work?
C2: He does not. Thats his room in Frankfurt. By the way, talking about Frankfurt, did you know **i*a is there? Where was she working?
C1: Archives point to *er** S**e**. Not sure though. Hey, have you heard that this girl called (name goes unheard)
C1: This crackpot's profile has a community listed, Eavesdroppers!
C2: I am a step ahead of you. I already know we are being overheard.
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