Thursday, February 23, 2006

Neuro - Linguistic Programming

Neuro - Linguistic Programming is one of the topics that we were experentially taught to us in the PDW course. Well, the idea of NLP is kind of abstract, but it makes sense nevertheless. It gives a structure to a thinking process to analyze your day-to-day behavior from the following perspectives:

3.Skills and capabilities
4.Beliefs and Values

Ya, I know it sounds abstract. But, more importantly, I, like many others in the class felt that the idea of NLP is more of a research interest, or for academic pursuits, not for daily self-inspections.
Moreover, most of us, at this age would have a fair idea of ourselves, and our behavioral patterns. NLP as it stands, may give you few insights into something you do not already know about yourself.
Largely, the concept of NLP is just to bring a structure to our understanding of our actions.


Blogger Supreet Joshi said...

Maybe I need NLP to understand your post !!

What has programming got to do with it ? Is it in C++ ?
You make models of human behaviour on those 6 parameters ? Is that it? And code humans to have optimised behaviour ? Hmm.. more AI than MBA :)

1:19 AM  
Blogger Sujeet said...

You can go to the wikipedia link that I have given to find out more.

4:42 AM  
Blogger Supreet Joshi said...

OK. I will. Eventually :)

8:27 AM  

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