Monday, February 06, 2006

Book Review

I finished reading three books recently.

Fire and Ice by Diana Palmer:
This book is a truckload of avant-garde, sophisticated crap. No sense from the beginning to the end. Flop Govinda movies are far better. Sometimes, I fall into these traps of experimenting needlessly.

One Night at the Call Center by Chetan Bhagat:
First of Law of "the Second", the sequel is worse than the first. Chetan seems to have gone a bit philosophical after attaining fatherhood. A nice peek into the BPO life though.

The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera:
Not recommended for light reading. The story is set during the Soviet invasion of the then Czechoslovakia.Very open-ended thought projection. Leaves a lot to your imagination, which I gather is the trademark of Kundera's writing. Lots of philosophical insights into life,love and communism.


Blogger vidya said...

ON@TCC, was one of the lousiest books I 've read!....i actually bought it @ the campus book shop!

1:42 AM  

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