Wednesday, February 08, 2006 long last...

At long last I made it to a quiz final, at TATA Crucible 2006. Most definitely one of the biggest finals I have been to. Thanks to my team mate Praveen. It feels great to come 5th from among 125+ teams. And of course there were a lot of non-cash items (commonly known as goodies) to take home.

The fact that we decided to attend the prelims only 20 minutes before it started, I think the opportunity was grabbed with both hands very firmly. And business quiz is one of my weaker areas. With the kind of preparation we went in and ended up ahead of many seasoned teams, I am tempted to think of Bangladesh-defeating-Aussies type of a game. But, I have decided to take my business quizzing a trifle more seriously now.

Another thing that got reinforced today was having a great chemistry as a team. You need to have faith in your partner's intuition, and he in yours. That is so very important. Nitin, you know it all too well right!!


Blogger Supreet Joshi said...

Congrats :)
If you say, "at long last..", I dont know what I should say :( And if you finish 5th in your weak area, there are not too many places above for the areas in which you are good :D
nice work - congrats to both of you.

7:42 AM  
Blogger Rashmi Kantharaja said...

I say congrats too!

12:38 AM  
Blogger Nero said...

Fifth at Crucible!! Impressive man, Congrats!

8:19 PM  
Blogger peekay said...

wow man,

that was one cool experience, thanks to you and you only.
lets hope the chemistry continues.

7:02 AM  

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