Ben and Paul
Paul Krugman, I came to know recently has been nominated as one of the most influential thinkers of the century ( Naom Chomsky went on to win the poll). I have been a regular reader of his articles in The Hindu. But, when will he stop cribbing about everything that happens in USA and more specifically in the White House. Now its like you read his articles and it opens up a pandora's box of complaints and cribs. He was last heard complaining about Ben Bernanke 's selection as the new Fed Chief. ( Ben was Head of Economics Dept at Princeton). Incidentally, Ben was Paul's boss at Princeton.And Paul actually predicted Ben's appointment back in Feb. So, why the cribbing??
Apparently, one needs to be overly critical about a lot of things to be a "great thinker" or atleast to be nominated as one.
1600, Pennsylvania Avenue seems to highly accident-prone region these days.. "Libby" out , Harriet out and who is next?? Dubya still has 4 years to go...