Adam and Eve
Genesis 1 and 2 contradict each other. Many rabbis over past 2000 thousand years have tried to read between the lines to explain the flaw. Genesis 1 states that God created man and woman, while Genesis 2 clearly says that God created woman after Adam complained of loneliness, from Adam’s rib.
So, many rabbis claim that there was another woman before Eve came into the Garden of Eden. She was apparently called Loeth (from Lily or Lileth, meaning “stormy wind”, an Assyrian word???).
But where did Loeth go? The Bible experts say that she could not surrender her influence and power to a man and hence left him (within a day??).
Whether Loeth knew the existence of the forbidden apple in the Garden of Eden is open to speculation. At the same time, existence of a woman before the arrival of Eve can also explain the following paradox (??) – If Abel and Cane were the only two children of Adam and Eve, then how did the human race progress?
To counter this paradox some historians also say that Adam had a few children (or a child, at least a girl child) from Loeth. Or may be Loeth procreated with one of Adam and Eve’s children. Even this possibility cannot be discounted, given that she left Adam within a day and Adam went onto live for 900 odd years.
All said and done, the story of Adam and Eve delivers a powerful message. The message that is relevant even today.
“God may have created man before woman, but there is always a rough draft before the masterpiece.”
I like your conclusions :)
Why the clock on top ?? And counter ??
Ok, the counter probably makes some sense - but the clock ?! Admittedly, tis a nice clock and all, but is it needed ? Esp since it is actually an ad for similar clocks (when I move the mouse over it).
Never mind. Leave it.
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