Monday, July 18, 2005

Whats tougher than Greek and Latin

I came across a news article which said that women form 54% of all bloggers.Why do women blog so much more than men?
Because no one listens to what they say in real life,so they vent their feelings in the virtual world!On a more serious note,I guess its because women tend to trust the unknown more than the known.They believe there is somebody out there who will listen to their voice.
may be they articulate well only in solitary confinement.
I can only speculate...female psychology is tougher than greek and latin..any day!


Blogger Supreet Joshi said...

Source of that data ?
How reliable are the numbers ?
Even then, 54% is not "so much more". I wouldnt read too much into this data, esp. considering the authenticity record of any online data. Just how would you verify the identity of a blogger ?

Apart from that of course, yeah, a nice read. Interesting speculations esp. about being able to articulate well in solitary confinement !!! Haha !

6:18 AM  

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